Thursday, December 13, 2007

Reagan's Eleven

This morning, I read Hank Butehorn's insightful article "No Once Criticizes Thompson's Policy or Message" ( see After reading Hank's post, I experienced an epiphany.

My epiphany had to do with President Reagan's Eleventh Commandment: "Thou shalt not speak ill of thy fellow Republican." For the first time, I understood a very important reason why conservatives especially must abide by this imperative.

As Hank so eloquently argued, conservative ideas in general and the consistent conservative message of Fred Thompson in particular wins elections. When we stoop to attack our fellow Republican on his or her character or religion or kindergarten essay we stray from our conservative ideals. And when we abandon our ideals, we eventually lose.

Pundits like to distract us from our message. I guess it sells their media. But honestly it is not our job to sell their media. It is our responsibility to our candidate, to our party and indeed to our nation to make sure that Fred Thompson wins this nomination and then the 2008 general election. Thus, as individual Fred Heads, we must resist the temptation to engage in mud fights. We should certainly compare the candidates records, but continue to emphasize Fred's consistent conservative record.

To that end we should all take the time to learn more about the issues at

If we continue to do these things, and if Republicans just vote their conscience, the Fred will win the nomination.

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