Monday, December 17, 2007

Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) Endorses Fred!

Last Wednesday's debate victory by Fred Thompson was the turning of the tide in Iowa. It was a hands down win. Not even the press disputes that Fred prevailed.

The campaign promised that Fred would move to Iowa, leaving only to spend Christmas in Tennessee with his family. Today Fred began his "Clear Conservative Choice: Hands Down!" bus tour of the Hawkeye State, and he began it with a bang!

That big bang was an all-0ut endorsement from Iowa Representative Steve King. Congressman King represents Iowa's Fifth Congressional District, and represents most of Western Iowa. To him, immigration in the top issue. He indicated this morning that after meeting with all of the Republican presidential hopefuls face-to-face, he made his choice based on Fred's principles.

The Thompson campaign issued the following statement:

"Congressman King's leadership in support of the sanctity of life and his efforts in the fight against illegal immigration have made him one of Iowa's great Republican leaders. He's a tireless fighter for the 5th District of Iowa and I am honored by his support. I look forward to working with Congressman King over the next three weeks and into 2008 in support of the traditional conservative values he and I share."

And this endorsement is MORE than just a press release: Congressman King will campaign with the bus tour for the next 17 days.

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