Sunday, November 25, 2007

Welcome to NJ Supports Fred Thompson

Welcome to NJ Supports Fred Thompson, home to the Garden State Grassroots coalition for Fred Thomspon. NJ will support Fred in the February 5, 2008 primary election and again in the 2008 general election. The trends in New Jersey are now toward the center-right. The results of the most recent election showed clearly that New Jersey is not a died-in-the-wool Blue State.

The embryonic stem cell bond referendum failed by a 53-47 margin. The results there showed that a campaign based on ethics, morality and fiscal sanity can indeed prevail here in a general election.

Atlantic County Executive Denny Levinson won a landslide election against a challenger who was a countywide elected official. The 77-23 margin, which came in a county where statewide Republicans have struggled to keep their heads above water, shows that a good candidate, coupled with good leadership and a good grassroots campaign can win in Atlantic County.

Republicans scored unexpected wins in municipal elections in Union County, and won almost every local election for mayor in Somerset County, including in the heavily Democratic Franklin Township, where Republican Brian Levine will govern as mayor while the Democrats hold all council seats. Republicans also held the Reagan Democrat towns of Manville, Bound Brook, Raritan and South Bound Brook.

Republicans swept back into control of Hamilton Township in Mercer County. This city of over 90,000 is one of the keys to winning statewide. A Republican must win Hamilton to win New Jersey.

The bottom line is that New Jersey's fifteen electoral votes are in play if the Republicans can nominate a the right candidate. And that candidate is Fred Thompson

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