Saturday, January 19, 2008

Fred Beats All Republicans Entered in NJ Straw Poll

Team Thompson showed well for the second week in a row at a straw poll. Following on our strong second place finish in the Middlesex GOP Presidential Preference Straw Poll, Fred finished second in the Conservatives with Attitude! straw poll in Woodbridge today.

He finished second to the trespasser from the Libertarian Party, Ron Paul. Judging from the bumper stickers, the band of merry men and women who infested the event were for the most part Libertarian interlopers. Of the Republicans, the finish was as follows:

Fred Thompson 27
Mitt Romney 22
Mike Huckabee 15
Rudy Giuliani 15
Duncan Hunter 4
John McCain 2

The event was a beautiful event, hosted by GOPUSA-NJ at the Forge in Edison. Organizers Richard Ross, Dan Gallic, Mike Ilions and Hank Butehorn should all be applauded for a top shelf event that featured two sitting assemblymen and one former assemblyman speaking as surrogates for the candidates.

Hon. Guy Gregg, former 24th District Assemblyman, spoke eloquently on behalf of Senator Thompson. Guy once again showed why he is considered one of the best, if not the best, conservative orators in the State of New Jersey. He was the best of an excellent bunch of speakers.

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